I started my life inside the Financial Industry in 1982 and have been an independent consultant since 1989 – 30+ years only with a couple interrupts headhunted to specific jobs, mostly also within the same line-of-business.
30+ years with in an average 250+ days with my luggage and my Airline Frequent Flyer Cards (historically always between 2 and 8 flights per week). This is what it took to be successful as an Executive Consultant inside the larger Nordic Financial Corporations.
It would have continued like this into eternity…
…but, Covid-19 hit us and me – a game changer In many ways and suddenly I was asked to find digital solutions and to work from home office. Not only external consultants but also the employees of the companies and principals.
I proved new thinking, re-engineering of proven and accepted processes in Project Management, Strategy Development etc… It was’t easy for a person always used to face-to-face dialogues, but I got used to it and now I love it.
…You lose some – You gain some
Covid-19 is “soon to become history” but the experiences from the period should be used in a positive way hence some of my 250+ days away and 2 – 8 flights per week can be history or at least be reduced. So even if that means a Pandion card is reduced to Gold card in SAS (I have lifetime Gold card), it is worth it.
My mental experience is the same including the track record but instead of a contract of minimum 6 months (historical minimum requirement) I will be able to help in small scale even down to hours.
Still as Executive Consultant but now also partly Remote I can use my extensive business experience to remotely mentor and coach companies and managers in change management, project management in startup, projects in trouble and entrepreneurs in the developing the world with the use of Zoom, Skype, Remote Desktop, E-mail, Dropbox and Smart phones…
Still, I can share and solve the different kinds of needs out there through sharing knowledge, experience, and encouragement and to a significantly lower hourly consultancy fee. It is a double win-win situation (for you, for me, for my family and for the environment).
And, when needed I will of course prepare the luggage, book my plane ticket and fly out to meet you but honestly – I think you will find the Consultancy-in-Cloud to be equally benefitting to yourself as to your business.
With the advancements in technology, coaching and consultancy can take place anywhere and anytime around the world.
Do you find this interesting, please read on….
Otherwise, you are always welcome to return at any time!
Are you looking for…
- a little extra guidance in a specific area?
- or maybe some professional coaching of a critical project?
- an external experienced member of your Steering Committee?
- an analysis to be made?
- or simply, you name the need and I will tell you if I can be of any help but after all these years there are many, many areas where my holistic experience can make a difference
Executive consulting in general has the tools needed that can help the transformation and I “have been there and I have done that” hence able to provide your company’s leaders with a map to the solution!
So, what is the value proposition…
…by using an Executive Consultant compared to an ordinary Consultant?
The customers emphasize – and they are probably the best to tell;
- The self confidence in the dialogue with Boards of Directors, Senior Executives and Management Teams
- The extensive experience from Management level and many Lines-of-Business within the Industry – vertically as well as horizontally
- The extensive experience in executive mentoring, strategic alignment, and execution
- The ability to cross thinking business solutions, impact, and attribution
- The ability to quickly understand a problem, relate it to the business and bring own proven methodologies and tools to give advices on targeted areas
- The ability to understand the AS-IS image target the TO-BE goal and give guidance during implementation of the needed delta to reach the agreed goal
- The ability to guide Executives on necessary actions to be taken to achieve defined future sustainable solutions
Some journalists say the post covid-19 trends looks more like a shift in usage of consultants;
- The future of Executive Consulting includes an extensive use of the Cloud, through Zoom, Teams, Skype and others
- Until recently Executive Consulting has been the same as physical meetings often involving Communication using car/taxi/train, airlines both at home as well as at the destination
- It is also a fact that most Consultancy companies invoice travelling hours in addition to the time spent on the meeting itself. Often one day / 10 hours to have a 2 hours meeting.
- The Pandemic period has given us an experience of using the digital medias even on areas where I normally wouldn’t do it. Executive Consulting is not the only area
As one of the results of the above, I have established The Advisory Board where myself and 15-20 of the best people I have worked with are ready to assist you – if needed. And, you can start off by setting up a 30 minutes free-of-charge session with me before you move on to further sessions.
The main difference now – compared to earlier, is
- Fewer long lasting contracts
- Much lower cost
- More time saving, increased efficiency
- More focused
- Higher ROI (ROI on hours)
- With the advancements in technology, coaching can take place anywhere and anytime around the world.
- Utilize on-demand consultants to conduct critical analyses, develop business cases.
It is like a Kinderegg,
Reduced cost, Less time spent for the same delivery, A positive contribution to the environmental footprint for all involved parties
If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me here

Experienced Owner with a demonstrated history of working in the management consulting industry. Skilled in Asset Management, IT Strategy, Business-to-Business (B2B), Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), and Private Equity. Strong business development professional graduated from Handelshøyskolen BI. Founder and Head of The Advisory Group – a less formal, yet more professional than most Board of Directors.
Published 3 books on motorcycle tourism in Norway as well as Founder and Head of Norways largest warehouse on net – varehusetnorge.no